Jan 4, 2009

Hen Factory

Appaji, Gulli and I were traveling to Kurnool. It was already dark and I was at the wheel, Gulveer next to me and Appaji in the rear seat. It was near Anantapur we saw a row of square lights on to our left and that started a conversation.

Gulli: Sidda look at the train

I: that's not a train

Gulli: it's a train

I: it must be a poultry farm

Gulli: poultry farm? what does that mean?

I: place where chicken are grown

Gulli: ooh! you mean a hen factory?

I: !*?*!*? yes, hen factory!

Anyway, it was a train not a hen factory. At nights when one is cruising on a highway, a slow moving train appears like a stationary row of lights. This has happened a few times to me.

1 comment:

  1. The moment I see poultry farms I just remember this hen factory! impossible! :)
