Apr 26, 2010

Almatti Dam

...driving on NH13 from Kudala Sangama, my next destination was Almatti Dam. The highway was covered with pot-holes. Give the traffic I had to be really alert while dodging pot-holes. The worst part of the highway was the drive across this bridge with Almatti just across the river. The surface across the bridge was in even worse condition, I could see steel rods poking out under the concrete. I was driving and shooting a video same time... I could feel everything going up and down. It was scary!

I was dreaming of a walk on the dam but security would not even let anybody near the gates. I saw few people walking towards the reservoir and followed them. It looked as though the reservoir was filled to the brim.

I got bored and decided to head to Bijapur. I stopped for few minutes to get one last glance of the highest dam in Karnataka.


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