Jul 23, 2010

Kamala Basti, Belgaum

Sunday July 18th. Rohini my cousin and Venku her husband had invited me for a get-together at Belguam. Maharashtra Ekikaran Samiti had called for Belguam Bundh. After lot of deliberating I decided not take a chance. I went to office to check on broadband lines, all 3 networks were fine. As I locked the office and walking down the steps, my aunt called me to give an update about the situation, it was normal, just like any other day. Fine. I went home, changed and drove to Belgaum. I met my cousin & family after many years. In fact this was the first occasion I saw them together. We chatted and had lunch. I said bye and left.

I had decided to see the inside of Belgaum fort. The entrance is really narrow and Durgadevi temple is right there after the gate. The temple is different ...would call it an open temple. Clean and tidy. On inquiring with the priest, I found that within the fort are two more places to see- Ramakrishna Ashram and Kamala Basti. Barely a minute's drive I could see Ramakrishna Ashram on my left and then right next to it is Kamala Basti.

There are two temples almost size size but different shapes and quality of carvings.

The second one is a rough creation. At present this serves as the care-taker's office.

The care-taker seemed to be enjoying his post lunch sleep.

The place is really peaceful and serene. Ramakrishna Ashram has time restrictions for visitors. I did not want to wait till 4PM. I'll come visit Belgaum fort again and explore it completely.



  1. Isn't Kamal Basadi a beautiful temple ? Especially like its polished pillars . Your photographs also compliment the place !

  2. Definitely! It's fine place, peaceful and serene.
