Oct 18, 2010

Sree Veerabadreswara Devastana, Belawadi

September 18, 2010

Our first stop of the day. Belavadi was not on the agenda. We had almost gone past it, we turned back to see the town's main temple. Sree Veerabadreswara temple of Belavadi. Local people call it Belawadi Iranna Gudi. It is an ancient shrine, the structure must be 300 to 400 years old, with a touch of modernity.

The temple is well maintained, rituals are performed daily. The temple remains open through out the day and well after sunset.

Ancient sculptures of a small pillar and a raised bowl can be seen here.

Lord Veerabhadra's deity inside the Garbhagudi.

The entire yard surrounding the temple is watered and swept clean.

Ancient sculptures of serpent gods.

The orange colored structure is also an ancient structure, probably it is the temple Mantapa where travelers could rest or it was used to hold meetings.

If I'm not mistaken, this is the very structure from which Madiwaleswara of Garag is supposed to had appeared and thrown gold coins to people of Belavadi.

The brave warrior queen Belawadi Mallamma. This beautiful painting was created in 2009 by Shri. Erayya S Poojar. The cost of the paintings had been sponsored by Ningappa V Karikatti.

This is the brave king of Belavadi Raja Eshaprabhu. This painting was created in 2009 by Shri. Shankrayya S Kenjedimath. The cost of the paintings had been sponsored by Rachappa V Karikatti.

Our visit was a quick one. We left the temple and headed towards our destination Sogal a pilgrim center known more for its waterfall.

Belavadi is situated close to river Malaprabha. Just as you pass the town the backwaters of Renukasagar comes into view. We stopped on the ramp, just before the bridge across Malaprabha, to get a view of the waterbody and enjoy the fresh cool breeze blowing over the waters.


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