Nov 12, 2011

Shishunala Sharief Saheb Memorial

My first visit to Shishunala Sharif's Gaddige was in 1998, I think. A simple mud wall surrounded Sharif Saheb's grave. The huge Neem tree gave this place a peaceful ambiance.
Shishunala Sharief was a philosopher and poet in the XIX Century. He showed spiritual interest right from his childhood. He was accepted as a disciple by Guru Govinda Bhatta. Sharif was married and he had a daughter. After his wife's demise, he renounces family ties and goes to serve his Guru. Sharif was a contemporary of Madiwaleshwara and Nagalinga Ajja from Garag and Navalgund respectively.
Sharif Saheb's compositions are in spoken Kannada, they carried deep meanings. His songs, like Vachanas. are easily understood and hence accepted by people. However, humans remain ignorant.

My second visit was on May 27, 2011. The place had changed significantly. The old mud wall & tiled flooring were gone, instead there was a concrete platform topped with polished granite. The sight of concrete, unfinished buildings and construction material was an eyesore. I felt the place's sanctity was diluted and tainted. I got off the car reluctantly.
Care takers do work hard to keep this platform clean and tidy but the visiting devotees litter the place.
The temple, a recent construction is a memorial to Guru Govinda Bhatta and Sishya Sharif Saheba.
The temple was  untidy, there was a heap of flowers, paper and plastic sheets. The floor was a mess, looks like it wasn't washed for days. Sad to see the condition.
Inside the temple was this hoarding showing Guru Govind Bhatta and Sharif Saheb. I'm not sure if these are actual photographs of them.
A collage of pictures tells the story of a miracle at Kurutkoti Devi temple. Shishuvinahala Sharif Saheb and Navalgund Nagalinga Ajja reach Kurutkoti during a thunderstorm, both are drenched when come to the Devi temple. The Devi appear before the duo and gives them food. After eating the duo break the Devi idol and make a fire to warm themselves. The next morning when people hear about Devi idol, the Pachayat have Nagalinga Ajja whipped. However every time the whip is lashed, instead of Nagalinga Ajja, the Poojari received the lashes. The Poojari realizes the duo's significance, he begs to be forgiven. The duo rematerialize Devi's idol and pronounce that this would be it's last Pooje.
Inside the temple's are two open chambers, each has an idol of the master and his disciple.
Guru Govind Bhat
Shishunala Sharief SahebI wish people develop civic sense and respect for public places, more so for places of worship.

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