Apr 26, 2012

Huthridurga: South hill

Huthribetta's South peak as seen from Hutridurga North hill. I leave behind Durga, Deepak, Gulli and our guide Siddappa and go ahead towards the village.

At the village, few locals point me the path leading up the hill. As I was struggling to find the right path, Doddayya Aravanna appears behind me and volunteers to be my guide. Huthrdurga fort in the background.

One of the two gateways can be seen clearly. It's a short climb but a tough one.

I wonder how engineers of those planned a fort on a wild rocky hill.

We are about half way up the hill.  Beyond this gateway, the path leading up the hill was completely blocked by thorny bushes. I suspected the path was blocked intentionally. If we had one hatchet, we could have made our way up. I was tired and hot and felt my tummy saying hungry.

Clear view of the northern part of Hutribetta.

and the plains below.

We decide to head back. Looking back toward a gateway.

Back at the village we stop at Doddayya's home for water and buttermilk. he introduces his family- wife and college going daughters. Doddayya and wife are happy to pose for a picture while the daughters vanish indoors. I thank them for the buttermilk and take their address to post the pictures. Back at the school, where the car was, the gang had found another place to rest their weary legs. Siddayya was also around, we thanked him for being with us.

On the way out, I opt to take a short walk through this gateway. This actually is the main entrance of Huthridurga. A wall along the edge connects the two peaks creating a line of defense.

Bye Huthridurga.

September and October should be a good time to visit this hill fort. The hills itself would be green with varieties of plants and insect life.

We drive back to Yalagalwadi handpost and stop for lunch ...anna-saru, bajji and buttermilk. Our next destination- Jaalmangala hill fort.

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