Aug 17, 2013

Benches at Cubbon Park

During this visit to Bengaluru, I did something never done earlier; long walks early mornings. I would leave home by 4-45 AM and return by 7 O'clock. I walked the streets in Cantonment area I had only driven on during my earlier years. I would reach Cubbon Park around 5-30 when the sky turned light. Walking under the canopy of Cubbon Park was a great experience, I noticed some trees were labelled with scientific names, that would remind me of Botanical garden at Dharwad. The second day I noticed the benches, there were several types.. some interesting designs. I decided to visit with my camera. July 6th I skipped early morning walk, instead left home later with my niece Durga we had work at General Post Office, enroute we took a detour into the park to shoot. I captured only the unoccupied benches except one, here we go-
a modern, cement and steel bench, purely functional
cement seat and granite legs with an artistic touch
this tree closes overgrows the space between two benches
arrangement for an open air conference
an octagonal bench
definitely an ancient creation, simple yet beautiful
another relic bench in better condition
purely functional cement and steel mass produced bench
a pair of lions flank the path connecting Cubbon Park to High Court

We walked around for thirty minutes, then occupied the relic bench, had snacks and water. We had brought a pack of Monaco salt biscuits for our canine friends but none of them would eat. Durga said they don't like salt biscuits. Anyway, the biscuits found a target- a gang of crows :) It was past 10-30, GPO would be open for business, time to end our little excursion.


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