Nov 22, 2014

The Queen's Bath, Hampi

December 23, 2013

This was the thirs spot we stopped on entering Hampi.. we came from Kamalapur side. The Queens Bath is one of the most visited spots in Hampi.

A signage at the entrance describes the monument as follows-
The Queen's Bath is located to the Southeast of the Royal Enclosure, with its own separate enclosed space consisting of a complex of changing rooms and a bath. At present only the bath is extant. A strikingly, simple facaded structure in the Indo-Islamic style of Vijayanagara architecture. The interior of the bath is in total contrast with its ornate stucco and plaster work.
The structure is 30 sq. mts. Bath inside which is 1.8 mts deep. Pillared and vaulted corridors run all around with ornate balconies projecting into the bath. There is an inlet water channel to the east and a moat that runs all around the structure that ensured a constant supply of fresh water. There are steps leading down to the floor of the bath to the north, and the remnants of four pillars in the center which probably supported a pavilion.

What we see from entering the gate is the rear portion of the structure. We have walk around it to reach the entrance.. The bath house is surrounded by a moat which supplies clean water continuously.

Here we are.. the entrance to the bath house.

The doorway is arched, low and narrow

Try to imagine this place with water.. it would be cool even on a scorching summer day. Balconies projecting over the water.. where queens and her companions would be enjoying water games. Oh what a sight that would be.

Arched entrance to one of the balconies. Through the opening on the right, the water inlet channel can be seen.

Water flows through this channel into the central bath.. falling into the tank with a splash.. mind soothing sounds of water. BTW, the water is supplied from river Tungabhadra.

Architecture is Indo-Islamic. I guess engineers from neighbouring or far away kingdoms were employed to design and build these marvellous structures.

Various floral and geometric patterns decorate the ceiling domes.

 View of another balcony.
This is just one of the examples of luxuries royal members of the empire had access to. Another good example is the Octagonal Water Pavilion.. less than a kilometer from here.

You might also want to read about the Adil Shahis summer resort at Kummatgi, near Bijapur.

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