Jan 9, 2016

Team Outing at Leonia Resort - part 1

This was the second corporate outing after moving to Hyderabad. The first outing was at the rustic Deecan Trails, perfectly suited for the all men group. However, this time round it was at a regular resort with 3 star hotel rating.. better suited for a mixed group. Leonia is about 45 kms from Hitech city towards Shameerpet. Away from the busy city. Leonia is well suited for everything corporate..  conferences, training, vacations, day outings, et all; has all the required facilities like swimming pools, go-cart track, cricket ground, bikes for cyclists, restaurants, party halls, adventure games, water games, and even a movie theatre. Though away from the maddening city and being set in a rural location, the inside of the resort is almost urban atmosphere.. highrise building, vehicular traffic and the crowd doesn't really create a change of atmosphere. Anyway.. we were here to relax. We checked in. So, this is the men's group near the main building, ready to go to the swimming pool. Women's group would make it to the pool on their own sweet time.

The pool is about 300m or so from the main building. We walked but there are electrical carts to ferry the lazy ones. Snacks were tea were at the pool campus. The pool is has two parts, one for surfing and the other for swimming. The swimming area has a shower stage for those who want to rain dance. Our men's group started off with a game of water polo.. well into summer, weather was warm and good to be in water.. well, I preferred to watch the water rather than get into it.

The pool timings ended at 7-30. Back at the main building, after change of clothes we moved into a party halls for games and drinks. Ladies were in charge of selecting games.. the first one was bursting balloons; pairs bound at their legs carrying a balloon each will have to attack each other and burst balloons with bare hands. The taller ones are at advantage..

..while the balloons were being inflated.. on the other side drinks were poured and glasses tinkled with cheers. Quite a colorful crowd, a contrast to the former outing dress code.

Here's the ladies' group.

Here's a video of the wild balloon game..

The second game was to guide a blind-folded partner through a maze of paper cups without toppling them over. Remember two of the ladies making through the maze.

Next was snakes and ladders with a gigantic die.

Time for a group snap of the Professional Services team! Cheers!

Dinner time. We come down to the restaurant, nice place. Just grab your stuff and sit either inside..

..or outside, by the pond with tiny island.

Folks at different tables..

Post dinner we had dumb charades, here's a short video covering the most interesting part.

By the time dumb charades ended most ladies had left, back to their rooms. Cards started off with small stakes..

I hung around for a while until I could no longer control sleepiness.

Lying on the bed, though tired, sleep some how evaded. My mind wandered back to Deccan Trails outing.. we had a blast of a time there. It was a down to earth place, wild and adventurous, it was an experience I cherished.

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