Jul 15, 2017

Swayambhu Devalayam, Warangal fort

March 17, 2017
This temple is situated right within Warangal fort, next to Ekasila Gutta and a stone's throw from the Southern Torana. The temple situated below the road below the road level..

Swayambhu Shambu Lingeshwara Swamy Devalaya is one of the ancient Shiva temples. The temple deity is said to be self created. This temple was important for Kakatiya dynasty and it is said that Kakatiya King Prataparudra visited this temple everyday.

In plan, the temple seems to be star-shaped. It has a Mukha Mantapa (a porch) which leads into the temple assembly hall- Sabha Mantapa. The temple builders have made Sukhnasi (a seating platform) right from the porch and around the assembly hall. Unfortunately, I did not venture into the temple, so I can't tell much about the interior. The Shikhara (tower) over the Garbhagudi (Sanctum) is a recent construction. The original would have been a stone tower or made of brick and mortar. Apart from the tower, the temple has undergone alterations to suit the present times. From the article on this temple in Explore Telangana, I learnt, there's a beautifully sculpted Nandi inside.

On the temple's right side is this unusual Linga with four faces.. a Chaturmukha Linga. This reminds me of Chandramouleswara temple of Unkal, Hubli. Though not exactly same, these Shivalinga have four faces.

Within the temple premises, is another ancient structure which looks like the priest's residence. In the foreground is another beautiful Basavanna. The idol is damaged hence its placed at a side.

Two more views of the Basavanna. Its horns are smaller compared to other Nandi but the jewelry on it is no less.

Close to the Chatarmikha Linga are two idols of Anjaneya.. where there's a fort, there has to be Lord Hanuman.

Wish I had gone inside the temple :(

Close by an interesting structure.. a two-storey Mantapa. It looks like a restored item.. saying that because the columns in the ground floor are not same.

These two monuments i.e. the Swayambhu Devalayam and Two-storey mantapa are rarely visited by tourists.

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