Sep 13, 2017

Indian Robin

During our tour of Kakatiyan temple ruins at Warangal fort, an Indian Robin grabbed out attention for a few minutes. The little bird hung around us but maintaining a safe distance. I caught it as it rested on the elephant. It was watchful, turning its head 180 degrees every few seconds, scanning the surroundings for 

 As I know, when perched, this bird moves its tail up and down. But the tail was still, resting nicely on the curve of the elephant head.

Sitting still for a second.

 Did something move there?

See how flexible my neck is. I can look at you with my right eye now :)

 Handsome little fellow.

Besides Indian Robin, there were parrots, perched high up on Kakatiya Thoranas. They were in a small group, playing noisily.

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