Jan 13, 2018

Akka-Tangi Kallugalu ~ Sister Stones, Hampi

Besides man created structures of Hampi there's one popular natural rock formation called Akka-Tangi Kallugalu. This Kannada phrase when translated to English means "elder sister-younger sister stones" or simple called "sister stones." The stones are called so because they seem to be embracing each other. The rocks had formed a upside down V-arch ..this is how they looked originally. The rock on right hand side has a horizontal crack. In March 2011, the rock gave away and split into several parts and collapsed.

February 1996
The collapsed sister ..that's the way of Nature. Everything will undergo changes.

August 2017
Close to this rock formation is a gateway marked as Bheemana Hebbagilu in Google Maps. There's one gateway with the same name close to Kamalapur-Bukkasagara road. So need to check if there are two Bheemana Hebbagilu.


  1. Is there any story behind the naming the stones as Akka-Tangi kallugallu.

  2. Manjula, there's one story which goes like this.. Two sisters had visited Hampi during its heydays. On seeing its beauty, they became jealous and passed a bad comment. The town deity who heard the words which enraged her and her curse turned the sisters into stones. The scared sisters embraced each other as they turned into stones. That's the story behind the embracing stones.
