Mar 24, 2018

ನವ ಬೃಂದಾವನ ~ Nava Brindavana, Anegundi

August 14, 2017
After spending most of the day at Hampi, we came back to Anegundi. Our plan was to visit Navabrindavana while it was still light. Our home-stay owner assigned Thimma as our guide. Anegundi to Navabrindavana is approximately one kilometer and the path goes across the river. When the river's flowing, fully or partially, boats ferry people across the flowing waters. This season the river was dry, hardly any flowing water, we'll be able to walk the entire way, though we'l be wading through knee deep water.

We reached the river bank, stepped into the riverbed, passed by Sri Krishnadevraya's tomb, walked over sand mounds and reached the large rock bed on which was a small shrine dedicated to Suryanarayana,, the Sun god. Then we waded across a stream and reached another large rock bed with an interesting texture- wavy rocks of Tungabhadra. Then one more stream to wade across and we reached the island of Navabrindavana.. this is the western end. Beyond these rocks is the holy spot of tombs of nine Madhwa saints.

I named this as Rhino Stone.

A shallow circular pit seems like human creation. If yes, what's the purpose?

As we walk around the rock formations we pass by a cavern. On a hot summer day, this will be a cool place to rest. Since the island is not inhabited (except during particular season) some wild beast would have taken this place as its home, like boar, bear or porcupine.

Natural rock art by rainwater.. isn't it amazing!

We reach the highest part of the island.. so these are the Brindavanas of nine Madhwa saints-
  1. Sri Padmanabha Teertha (direct disciple of Shri Madhvacharya)
  2. Sri Kavindra Teertha
  3. Sri Vageesha Teertha
  4. Sri Raghuvarya Teertha
  5. Sri Govinda Vodeyar
  6. Sri Vyasa Thirtha or Vyasaraja
  7. Sri Sudheendhra Thirtha
  8. Sri Srinivasa Thirtha
  9. Sri Rama Thirtha

The yellow board here says this is Sri Raghuvarya Teertha's Brindavana. Not all were labelled.

A yellow line encircles the nine tombs.. general public are expected not to cross over.

These saints of various time periods have entered their while they were alive. These holy men when their time on this earth ended, so they had their tombs ready and entered it at the last moment.

Besides the Samadhi, in this premises are shrines dedicated to Ranganatha and Hanuman. I missed seeing both. Known as Avathaarathraya Hanuman, the idol is said to be installed by Sri Vyasaraja. It depicts Hanuman, Bheema and Madhwa in one form. I have to see this Hanuman during my next visit.

During a particular season, lamp festival is held here. Thousands of oil deepas are lit by visiting disciples from far and near. I guess during that season there are rituals during the day for which temporary shelters are erected as a shield from blazing sunlight.

The is said to Vysaraja's Samadhi. Vysraja was the Raja Guru of six emperors of Vijayanagara empire including Sri Krishnadevaraya. At Hampi, close to Vittala temple complex is Vysaraja Matha.

I complete my one round the nine Samadhis.

One last look before we leave this sacred place 

On the way back we pass by Suryanarayana temple. A small structure barely six feet high. Inside a beautiful idol of Sun god, encircled in a ring flames,

Some feet away from Suryanarayana temple is this dolmen. No idea who or why this was made. In the background is a rectangular structure with lot of columns- that's Sri Skrishnadevaraya's tomb. Also, on the left is a white structure- that's Chintamani temple, the place where Lord Rama performs penance after slaying the monkey king Wali.

As we walked back towards Anegundi village, we collected several handful pebbles. Amazing shapes, colors and textures. Some were translucent.. if you wet them and held them up to light, they looked like gems. Its fun to collect pebbles :)

Back at our home stay, we had a refreshing cup of tea. Our day was hectic and we were tired.. cool bath, early dinner and hit the sack ...ZZzzz.


  1. Nice place for summer where we can play in the water. This is very strange in Madhva tradition ordinary people cremation and so called Madhva saints final rituals are very different. Always question comes what is the contribution of any saints in India? Web is not our invention, smartphone is not our invention..list goes on. Saints gave few kirtanas, that's all? Mr Sultan puri can also give better lyrics not being saint, what is contribution to humanity?

  2. Came to know abt this place long ago thru an article, wishing to visit it��

  3. @Manjula - September should be a good time, you'll probably get to ride the boat

    @Raj - yeah, water would be refreshing, especially with all those rocks radiating heat, water will be your savior. I think Madhwa saints mostly contributed to their own community, spiritual guidance and all. Since the community is orthodox and it wouldn't be wrong to say they are kind of closed. Hence outsiders are not aware of their contribution, I think.

    1. It would be incorrect to say madhwa saints contributed only to their community. They've contributed to the well being of the entire society.very shallow view i must say

  4. Nikhil SG, thanks for your comment. Did you read the article or just my comment.

  5. is there any lodges for staying and can get phone number for contact

    1. There are a few homestay places in Anegundi village, and a resort too. Check out Google Maps for contact numbers.
