Jun 8, 2019

quick stop at Madhugiri fort

A trip to Thippagondanahalli near Madhugiri was in the air for a month or so before it was confirmed on the phone by Anil. The plan was that Anil, Nag and I assemble at Basavangudi around 10-30 AM, reach Thippagondanahalli by noon, where Anil had to meet some of his acquaintances, then Nag had to visit Seebi Narasimha temple on the way back home.

February 27, 2019
The plan was to leave around 10-30 from Anil's place but then it was 12-30 when Nag reached Anil's place. Traffic was moderate, we passed Nelamangala and stopped for lunch around 2-00 pm. At Dobbaspet, we turned off the highway towards Madhugiri. Last time I drove on this road was 2010, it was a single lane road ridden with potholes. Now it was a wide two-lane carpet linking Bangalore and Bellary via Pavagada. The present being a designer age, buses are no exception. I must have seen at least a dozen buses covered in psychedelic graphics, serious competition on our highways.

We made good time, thanks to Nag's superb driving tactics. Soon Madhugiri hill comes into view as we approach Keregala Palya. The name of this village is interesting- keregala means ponds.and palya means big hamlet or small village. Together it means hamlet of ponds. Of course, the name would have come into being several centuries ago.

The hyperbolic cap of Madhugiri hill as seen from the northeastern side. The summit is 1348 feet above the town's ground level, as high as a 135-floor building. I'd climbed this towering monolith on Dec 30 2011, it was a rainy day, after passing the halfway mark up the hill, all we saw was a screen of mist. I missed the view of the plains from up there :( Anyway, it was an experience of a kind.

We might have been out of Madhugiri if not for Anil's need for an ATM. Two ATMs were not functional and the third one had a long line. Nag suggested we could do a quick fort visit while Anil waited at the ATM. Not a good time to take pictures with sunlight glaring down on the hill. However, what a sight the hill, boulders and the walls create. The fort area is occupied by few government buildings. Also within the fort are temples and a mantapa.

An ancient temple, probably dedicated to Rama or Venkateshwara.

Going by the look of the building, it seems to be built by British engineers. Probably this is was the prison office. This is not the only such building.

One of the gateways and a bastion in the background.

A stone's throw from the temple is this Mantapa with a courtyard in the center. The Mantapa has been restored a few years ago but it is still in poor condition.

The ancient pillars in Vijayanagara architecture. Probably this is the temple's lodge. Check out the terracotta tiles.. they could have used granite slabs instead.

Another view of the mantapa and its pillars.

This is a place for people waiting to get their work done at government offices situated within these fort walls. Across the street is Madhugiri additional magistrate court, the building has an interesting facade.
So that's the magistrate's court building. A wide staircase, an arched veranda and tiled roof. The huge ficus must be at least a century old.

A closer look. The two painted standing blocks are ancient sculptures planted like Dwarapalas. Truly a classic building. Wondering who gave permission to put this boxy structure in the foreground.

There's one surprise item here- a Shivalinga pedestal. To describe it correctly, it seems like a pedestal on a pedestal.

Some crazy nut painted is blue, the color that's used to paint milling machines and lathes. People!! Anyway, let's turn attention to the sculpture. It does seem like a double pedestal, the hole at the top was meant for the Linga and its missing. What do you say?

Another view of the pedestal with the great ficus in the background. A coconut tree within the premises has made its presence felt in a wonderful way.

All the while, Anil had a successful transaction. Time to head back towards our destination. That's the arched entrance of Madhugiri Kote. In the background is the neighbouring hill, the little white structure at the top must Basavanna Devasthana.

Heading towards Thippagondanahalli and Chinnenahalli, the latter is about 3 km before Midigeshi.


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