Jun 1, 2019

sights in and around Discovery Village

March 16 and 17, 2019
It was a gathering of primary school friends at a resort off Bangalore-Kanakapura road. The resort had a great ambiance, thanks to the greenery and the friendly staff, we had a great time. This resort is the place for the outdoor types, and indoor types too. With so much greenery and creative designing, you'll keep discovering stuff.. no wonder its called Discovery Village.

Among all palm, Fishtail palm leaf is the most stylish looking one. The leaves look as though they have been torn off.

The pink-white-yellow frangipani. This bunch was found close to the amphitheater. What I found special in this view was the flowers are lit from inside. The effect of colors is pronounced due to the direction of light.

When I saw this flower, the first object that came to my mind was paper lantern. Nature's designs are so subtle.. its texture and shape, the soft colors, oh what a lovely creation.

The bulbous stem plant is Buddha Belly Bamboo. It is also called Wamin bamboo or Vulgaris bamboo, it grows fast but its a dwarf compared to other varieties.

Golden bamboo with green stripes. Wondering what decides the position, thickness and number of stripes.

Then we have the Florida bamboo which looks almost like one variety of sugarcane. I think these are the three bamboo varieties seen here.

The imposing Desert Fan Palm. The leaf and stem together look like a stingray. Palms and Bamboos are favorite for landscaping because of fast growth.

Here's another beautiful tree with small leaves as seen here. The leaves are usually in groups of 3 to 9. This is the Madagascar Almond tree.

The stem is straight and erect with prominent layers of horizontal branches. When sunlight is low, rays passing through the leaves makes them look like floating green bulbs.

About two kilometers from the resort is a village water tank which attracts birds like heron, cormorant, kingfisher and probably few other varieties. Here's a lonely cormorant waiting for a fish to come near it but our presence made it uneasy.

A heron, seen through eucalyptus branches, hovers around the pond.

An Indian Kite perched on a Peepul tree. The bird was bigger than the ones I'd seen earlier. It was watching something carefully. Almost suddenly it dove off the branch, out of view of few seconds, reappeared in pursuit of an owl. A sight to cherish.

As we climbed a hillock, its surface burnt out recently, I noticed a mud nest on a boulder. The tiny nest has several entry / exit points. Probably this belongs to a variety of wasp.

Grass in knots. I'd seen this first on Midigeshi hill. My guide there had told wind caused these knots.

Simmering charcoal under a layer of hot wood ash.



  1. Sounds like such fun, Siddie! What is amazing is that you’re still friends with guys from grammar school days! Greetings to you and Pushpa. <3

  2. Greetings to you Alexis and Archie too.
    Every time we meet up, we speak of school day incidents and laugh together :) That's the magic of friends.
