Aug 17, 2019

hero-stone near Bokyapur tank

I found this picture was while rummaging through a collection of pictures shot with my Yashica some time 2003 or 2004. This is an ancient temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman situated near Bokyapur tank, a man made water body 2 kms northwest of Garag village in Dharwad district. I had shot this picture mainly for the inscription slab. The inscription is in Kannada. Going by the looks of the columns, this could be built during Chalukyan times. The two boys seen here are from a near by village called Hangarki.

Garag is known for Karnataka Khadi Gramaodyog Samyukta Sanga, a handloom center where the fabric for Indian flag is produced. Garag is also known for its ancient Jain Basadis and Madiwaleshwara Matha. The Basadis have been on my list for quite some time, hoping to see them during this year.

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