Oct 7, 2020

Keladi Kere

February 22, 2020
We approached Keladi from Masur side. A kilometer before Keladi village is a large man made tank which was constructed long back, probably during Keladi reign. The tank is almost 900 meters long and 440 meters wide, covering an area of 100 acres. We crossed the bridge across the tanks outlet stream. Close to the bridge is the ancient water level measurement system.. twin pillars connected by beams. 

I was imagining a dip in the water as drove on the bund (embankment). I saw a Ghat (stepped platform) on the opposite bank. In fact, we passed the water and a school on the village outskirts. Next to the school was a dirt track, I guessed it lead to the Ghat. We took a U-turn and turned into the dirt road. Yes, we reached the Ghat. This is the view from the Ghat.

The large tree there is on the bund  At the far end of the embankment is the outlet and bridge. The state highway passes over the bund. The lake is surrounded by greenery on all sides. Its a wonderful sight. The water looked clear and fresh, a mild breeze kept the air cool. Felt refreshed after washing hands, neck and face.

There's another water level measuring device here. I guess there's an outlet here as well. The water looked deeper at this corner.

We could not afford to spend too much time relaxing. We headed to Keladi village. Keladi temple is on the left right after the bend.

The right time to visit temples is early morning, when sunlight is still soft. But, that's not possible all the time.

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