Aug 6, 2022

Chikki temple complex, Aihole

July 19, 2022
This was our third and final day of Badami-Pattadakal-Aihole trip. After a quick tour of Charantimath complex and Kunti temple complex, we had breakfast and stopped to see Chikki temple complex. Unfortunately the gates were locked, so I had to take a few pictures from outside.

Chikki group is situated close to Durga temple complex, probably two minutes walk. Like most other temples of Aihole, the name of this temple might be the name of the occupier in the recent times. Chikki complex consists of three separate temples; two are regular Chalukyan structures, while the third one is an open shrine.

This temple below is the main temple of the group. This east-facing temple has balustraded steps, a Mukhamantapa (verandah), a enclosed Sabhamantapa with windows on the sides walls. It has sloped roof and a rectangular crown which could be the base of missing Shikhara. On the sloping roof are long blocks of stone similar to the ones seen at Lad Khan temple. The entire structure is made of sandstone. Going by the idol of Nandi in front of the temple, we can say the deity inside is a Shiva Linga.

This temple seems to be built in the 5th Century CE as per online sources.

I tried to get a diagonal view of the structure but thorny bushes prevented me from going further. This is the best I could manage. I thought of going across the wall, then decided not to do so. ASI might have locked it on purpose, better not to violate. 

To the left of the main temple is this shrine. I think this temple is incomplete. The Antharala and Garbhagudi have been made. The Antharala entrance has a perforated screen. For some reason the Sabhamantapa was never built. Next to is remains of another temple which has stopped at the foundation level.

Here's a slightly zoomed in picture of the second temple. I feel this structure has been restored by the archaeology department. 

The last item here is the open air shrine; a Shivalinga, an arch, balustraded steps and flooring are seen. I'm not sure if this is an incomplete temple or if it is still in the process of restoration.

The total number of individual temples from all groups in Aihole could exceed hundred. And there are temples of various sects- Shaiva, Vaishnava, Jaina, and Bouddha. Aihole also has remains of ancient quarries, prehistoric paintings and megalithic tombs. To see a complete list of monuments, check out What to see in Aihole.

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