Apr 5, 2023

Coconut husk heap

Jan 26, 2023. I was on a tour of historical temples of Turuvekere and Tiptur taluqs in Tumkur district. I left Tiptur well before sunrise and reached Vignasanthe just after sunrise. The objective of coming to Vignasanthe was to see Lakshminarasimha Devastana. Locals told me that the Archaka would be arriving only by 9-00 AM since he had to come from the neighboring village Nonavinakere. So I got to see only the exterior of the Hoysala temple. After the temple, I had tea and chatted with locals then left. Couple of kilometers away I happened to notice a massive pile of coconut husks. I had seen husk heaps but nothing close to this. 
The heap was well over 7 feet at the center, it must've been some 50 meters long and 10 meters wide. I can't estimate the number of coconuts which produced this mass... 5 million? 10 million. May be a coconut trader can say.
These husks are used to produce a number of coir products and also coco-peat for gardening purpose. In fact every part of a coconut tree can be used. Besides the usability factor, the tree has special characteristics which makes it stand apart. That's why its called a divine tree, a Kalpvriksha.
While on this topic I could like to add that most coconut peeling is done manually. There are people who's profession is peeling coconuts. Below is a short video of an expert peeling coconut. Its a dangerous method but a highly efficient one.

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