Dec 9, 2023

Tattukoti group of temples, Badami

On the northeastern side of Agastya Tirta is a group of four temples called Tattikoti temples, also referred to as northern Bhootnath group. All four temples are south-facing, are in a completed state and seemingly well preserved. There are signs of repair work in the recent past i.e. by the ASI. As per the booklet on Badami, these temples are said to be built in XI or XII Century CE during Kalyana Chalukyan rule. This picture below was shot from the other side of Agastya Tirta i.e. from a spot close to Cave-4.

Aug 29, 2023. My friend from Hyderabad, Srinu and I were on a tour of the Badami Chalukyan realm. We started the tour from the rock-cut temples and then drove to the northern side. We parked Srinu's car near the entrance of Bhootnath and Tattikoti groups, that's the farthest one could drive here. I have to mention that all these temples are inactive i.e. there aren't any deities and no rituals take place.

Architecture of all four temples is same. The Shikharas over their sanctums are Kadambanagara, also called Phamsana. As per iconographic study, these temples are dedicated to Yoga Narayana. As you see the exterior walls are plain, devoid of decor. Nevertheless, these are well designed and built to last.

This smaller temple is behind the chief temple. It's porch is clearly visible. Going by the structure, the sanctum and the porch are connected through a vestibule. The seating platform "Sukhanasi" looks very inviting. One could take a break from the blazing sunlight in the porch.

Coming to the third temple, a Dwikutachala i.e. a two sanctum temple, east-facing and south-facing. The east-facing sanctum does not have a Shikhara. Not sure if it wasn't built or if it went missing at some point in history.

Another view of temple #3. In the background is temple #4.

This structure is slightly off in terms of design. Firstly, the porch is missing. Then, it has fiive Kadambanagara Shikharas, one above it's sanctum and four at each of the corners of the Sabhamantapa.

That's Srinu in front of temple #1.

View of Agastya Tirta and southern cliff from the porch of temple #1.

The southeastern corner of the porch. In the background is Bhootnath group which is much larger than this group and more interesting since it is closer to water and has rock-cut sculptures.

That's it from Tattikoti group. We head towards Bhootnath group.


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