Jan 3, 2024

Trimurti at Chandalingeshwar temple complex

These pictures of Trimurti were shot on Nov 24, 2012 at the remotely situated Sri Chandalingeshwar temple complex near Bilagi. This sandstone sculpture depicts a ten-armed Nataraja in the middle, Brahma on the left and Vishnu on the right. Nandi, Parvati and Ganesha are present near Shiva. Going by the looks of the surfaces, the sculpture could be from Chalukyan times, probably between VII or VIII Century CE.

Chandalingeshwar temple complex is a rectangular enclosure bounded by walls made of sandstone blocks. In the entrance is an open yard. Further inside is a sub-enclosure in which temples are present. This particular sculpture of Trimuti can be on a wall binding the open space. Locals have marked it as Sri Shankaralingeshwara shrine. There could be a deity inside, I'm not sure though.

This temple complex is situated at the base of a cleft where rainwater flows down in a stream. Due to repeated water flow in and around the temple, the ground is sandy and there's water logging inside the complex. Due to scanty rainfall, there was no waterlogging during my visit. One must visit this place after a good rainfall over this region. The other interesting place to visit in this region is Abhinava Tirupati near Hanamasagar.

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