May 18, 2024

Tea shop's catchy sketch

Srinu and I were on a two-day trip of Badami-Pattadakal-Aihole on Aug-29th & 30th. We had homemade chapati rolls for breakfast near Badami. As we entered Badami we found a tea shop close to the main T-junction of the town. We happened to notice this cool paint-sketch on the tea-shop wall. The painting depicts the classic way of mixing tea or coffee thoroughly. A beautiful work of art, whoever the artist is. Srinu, with his sense of humor charged up after a few sips of hot tea ...placed his tea-cup at the tea-fall!

That's the humble little tea shop at a very convenient location provided it's early morning. This road is really busy and crowded between 10AM and 9 PM. About the tea, Srinu liked it, I think he had two cups.


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