Jan 22, 2010

Shiva Lingas of Sahasralinga

Sahasralinga is an important pilgrimage place about 12km from Sirsi. The river flowing here is Shalmala. Many Shivalingas and Basavannas are carved on rocks inthe river. Sahasralinga means "Thousand Lingas" but I doubt that many can be found now.

The pallet is similar to the one I saw at Lepaksi.

My guess: Rama and Sita worshiping Shivalinga.

Shalmala Ugamasthala is near Dharwad, very close to Someswara Devasthana off Dharwad-Khalgatgi road.



  1. ಒಳ್ಳೆ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳು, ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು, ಅಲ್ಲೇ ಹತ್ತಿರದ ಊರವನಾದರೂ ಇಂಥ ಚಿತ್ರ ತೆಗೆಯಲಿಲ್ಲವಲ್ಲ ಅಂತ ಅನಿಸಿತು,

  2. Your pics of Shalmala Sahasralingas.
    Awesome. I had some pics of this place too but these pics are really great. Can I use them please for some research I am starting, I will give you due credit if it is published.
    Also please let me know how best I can go there and at what date and time of the year you got these pictures? Thanks a lot

  3. Thanks RL. These pictures were shot sometime December.

    Do you mind letting me know the nature of your research? I'm curious to know. You can mail me, you can find my id in my blogger profile.

  4. I Hv visited most of the places in karnataka . Sahasralinga is beautiful,even Yana thts closer to this place is worth watching.

  5. Thanks for writing about this place and posting beautiful pictures!

  6. can u suggest any buses for this temple

  7. Thank you all.

    Sahasralinga is about 6km from Sirsi. Sirsi is connected to Hubli and Shimoga by plenty of buses plying through out the day.

  8. Beautiful. Will definitely visit this place one day. Banavasi is on my list.
