Nov 3, 2018

few shots from Basava Kalyana

September 2, 2018
We started our tour of Basava Kalyan from Anubhava Mantapa, the meeting place of Sharanas where spiritual and philosophical debates happened. Being situated away from the town, the place has plenty of greenery, fresh air and wildlife. The path from the hall to entrance is flanked by bushes and small trees, as we walked Pushpa spotted the swallowtails. I was lucky to get six shots in all, here are the two beauties caught resting on mango leaf and tamarind leaves.

A pink trumpet bud and flower. Though these flowers are not used for religious rituals, they are grown for their liveliness.

At Kalyana fort, we met this very friendly buffalo. Pushpa called her ba ba and lo, she started coming towards us. Our guide shooed it away back to its grazing place.

Again at Kalyana fort, while we are the top, I think near Rani Mahal we saw this white-black cow grazing in lush green grass.

At the summit, I saw this magnificent bird hovering around. Of the 15 shots, this is the closest and best. This reminds of the kite seen at Barid Shahi tombs at Bidar in Jan-2011.

Check out the botanical garden of Bidar- Deva Deva Vana.


  1. Love "being" in the place, not just the monument or a scenic view, that is, looking at this things around, the rocks, the flow of land, life forms, then it gets real and more beautiful.

    Those butterflies are "Crimson Rose" (Pachliopta hector). The duller one, must be the female. Their pattern is kind of immitated or similar in Romulus form of "Common Mormon", but misses the beautiful red in the body (thorax) of this butterfly.

    Good share and good pics, I have never been able to find them still! And you got both genders too.

  2. Thank you Nikhil and Manjula :)
