Jul 20, 2024

Prehistoric diving platform

During an earlier visit to Badami, our guide Shri Satarkar showed us some spots seldom visited by tourists. These spots were along the southern shore of Agastya Thirta. We saw Vishnu Gudi & Koshtrayana Gudi, an unnamed rock shelter shrine and a diving platform. Yes, a diving platform which was created a long long time ago. May be during the Chalukyan times. Possibly in the prehistoric times.

Just trying to imagine the history of this platform. Before that, let me tell that the wall seen here is a recent creation, may be built late 2000s. Earlier the shoreline was well beyond the grooved boulder. Anyone could dive off the boulder into the water. Meanwhile some brilliant mind came up with the idea of adding a few more feet to the dive. The creative minds found a long slab and positioned it on the boulder so that the edge was right above the water surface. Who know how many people dived off this platform into the waters naturally charged with herbs and minerals. 

Here's a zoomed out view of the ancient platform, right at the base of the slope.

If you wish to see it for real, go to the southwestern corner of Agastya Thirta and walk along the shore. Take care not to step into water, can never say how deep these waters go. 

Despite seven or eight visits to Badami, I can't say that there's nothing new to see. If you explore deeply and look carefully, Badami is bound to surprise you. Here's the link to the previous post- What to see at Badami -which I expect to grow.


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