Oct 5, 2024

aerial shots of Gangambike Aikyasthala

Aug 15, 2024

Our first stop of the day was to see Shivasharane Gangambike's Aikyasthala. Gangambike was one of the two wives of the XII Century social reformer Basaveshwara. Neelambike was the other wife. Basaveshwara's struggle to eradicate untouchability resulted in the formation of a community where everybody was treated equally with respect. Basaveshwara's wives, his sister Akka Nagamma and her son Channabasaveshwara were leading members of the community of Shivasharanas. However this social revolution led by Basaveshwara at Kalyana, the capital of Kalachuri kingdom, was met with stiff resistance from a powerful section which culminated into a massive conflict. The dejected Basaveshwara leaves Kalyana and returns to his place of education- Kudala Sangama where he passes away. Meanwhile Shivasharanas comes under attack of Kalachuri army resulting in their exodus. A major chunk of Shivasharanas led by Gangambike, Akka Nagamma and Channabasaveshwara travel southward towards Ulavi pursued by Kalachuri army. The two groups clash at Kadrolli a village close to river Malaprabha right bank. Shivasharanas emerge victorious and the army retreats. In the battle Gangambike and another prominent leader Madivala Machideva are the injured among hundreds of others. Gangambike passes away on the left bank of Malaprabha and her mortal remains were buried at that spot which remains preserved till the present.

Malaprabha is a main tributary of river Krishna. It was dammed downstream about 11 km from this spot resulting in the formation of reservoir Renuka Sagar. When the reservoir is full, the river swells upstream. Due to good rains in the past months, Malaprabha has swollen submerging it's banks. Hence Gangambike Aikyasthala seems like it's in the middle of the river.

My plan was to get a few shots from the river side as well but a huge flock of birds flying around the place forced ne to abort the flight. Neither did I want to injure any of the birds nor lose my drone. Of the 7 or 8 shots, 2 have been posted here.

Do read the post Ganagambike memorial posted in 2012. Also below are links to related posts:


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