I was slow but not bad too. ...cannot afford to break bones at this age. We came to a larger stream, weaving it's way through the rocks. Fresh breeze and gurgling water; no words to describe the feeling. Water gently made it's way towards the edge and it seemed to be a hurry as it neared the edge. As the water dives off, the clear water breaks into infinite white drops and some get carried up by breeze.
That's Dapapeer standing right next to the edge. My turn was next ...we felt it's not safe for more than one person there.

That's where water begins it's 250m dive.

I felt great standing there. I shot a few videos too. That's the shot I liked most for the day. The camera was a few inches off the edge. I wish had taken a couple of steps more to the edge ...may be next time.

Clouds were gathering and we decided to move on before the rain made these rocks slippery. We drove up to Bombay Guest House, parked the car and walked down to the view point and beyond. This view would be amazing to see during rainy season. The drop is sheer.

One could spend an entire day here and still not see even half the place properly. We were hungry too. We started off towards Sagar, the road was good and the drive was comfortable. We stopped by a small lake full of lotus and water birds wading over the

Two friends peacefully ride their way...

We stopped for a quick meal at Sagar and resumed our journey. We passed through Ripponpet and reached Teertahalli by 4-45PM. We took Agumbe road, after about 5 kms turned left towards Kammardi- the destination for the day. We drove slowly checking with people for directions. We found Pratibakka's (Sudhin's sister) place and there was the bridegroom. I met Sudhin's family- mother, sister & her two high school going kids, brother Nagendra, sister-in-law & two kids, a maternal uncle and some more relatives.
I freshened up, changed into fresh set of clothes and ready to witness Sudhin getting smeared by turmeric.

I was wishing the function to get over soon, I was hungry and sleepy too. It did get over soon. We had a nice meal, mainly rice items. And I hit the sack... it did not matter if I fell asleep but I wanted to be in the horizontal position. Absolutely no mosquitoes! I was really happy about it. Sleep did not come soon, may be it caught on by midnight. By 3AM I woke up to the noise of pouring rain. Except for me and the kids none of the people had slept. I came out, saw the rain battering the tiles above and the wind howling. The darkness added to the fierceness of the storm. I went back to sleep after a while only to wake up by 5 30. Dadapeer was up and cleaned the car ...bridegroom would be travelling in this car. Through with morning routine, I was ready for the day. While rest of the party got ready I went for a short walk. Stones fences were unique to this region of Karnataka i.e. Shimoga district.

By 7-30Am we set off towards Manipal via Agumbe. We had to be in the wedding hall by 9-30 since the muhurath was at 10-30 or so. Other than exams, this would be the very first time Sudhin was ever on time. Believe me I'm not joking. The drive down Agumbe Ghats was amazing... Drivers have to be extremely alert here. I wonder how the road was built in the first place. This is probably my second journey here, the first one was some time 70s ...probably 1976. We reached our destination- Manipal > Westind Country Club, venue of the wedding. Breakfast was served, idlis cooked in leaves. The rituals started, I was surprised to see just one poojari which means the function would be brief. Finally the moment arrived and Sudhin tied the knot. Few more customary rituals and the newly wed couple were all set to receive wishes from relatives, friends and guests.

My intuition was right, none of the BMSCE guys turned up. I wished Sudhin & Sheetal a happy married life. I had to leave now, a long journey lay ahead of us. I wanted to be back at Dharwad by 9PM. I just do not like to travel during nights, not safe. Had a quick lunch. 12-30 we set off towards Udupi. We stopped at Krishna temple for sometime. A shop selling vegetables typical to the coastal belt.

I picked up few things at the main market- onion, pineapple and brinjal. We resumed our journey, now we were driving North along the coastal line. We stopped at Kundapur to pick up sweets from Parijata Bakery and Hotel Sharon. Our next stop was at Kunmta to refuel and then on we journeyed non-stop ...via Sirsi, Yellapur, Kalghatgi and reached Dharwad at 9-00PM.
Two action packed days, I was little tired, the tiredness seem to increase with the thoughts of facing a hot May Monday at office.